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ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2017

Entry 23rd April 2017: Post: 2

Intergalactic Digital Research


If they haven't already, they should make a film about the life of Gary 
Kildall. He really was at the birth of the computer as a mainstream tool 
for the masses. He certainly had the vision of a true personal computer 
and what was needed to run one. Shame that Intel didn't have more 
confidence in his work on PL/M [ Programming Language for Computers ] 
targeted at the 8080 [ also runs on the Zilog Z80 ] which was the 
forerunner of CP/M or Control Program for Microcomputers.

It was odd but he never was protective of his ideas and Bill Gates once 
commented that he would always discuss with him what he was doing. The 
discussion was not reciprocated. Bill also interrupted him during a 
conference speech where Gary had a view that there was room for many 
different computer operating systems and machines. Bill asserted  that 
there could only be one.

The infamous plane flight that supposedly caused him to fail in securing 
a deal which ultimately lead to the demise of CP/M is well documented. 
As is his sad death due to banging his head in a bar.

It all adds up to a fascinating and yet short life. A man that lived the 
dream and was so close to becoming the greatest ever computer genius of 
our time. His worth was that of a creative inspirational and forward 
thinking computer specialist who was treading out into uncharted 
territory with everything he did. Whereas the Bill Gates' of this world 
simply followed in these guys footsteps.

His company was called Intergalactic Digital Research Inc at the 
beginning. It grew massively in the early years of CP/M. One funny story 
involves the realisation that a computer system they acquired would not 
fit in the building. So he had the whole building jacked up to take the 
computer. The joke was 'that year' he told everyone they were getting a 

Gary Kildall has been dead for some while now, but, CP/M lives on. There 
is not a day I do not use CP/M in one form or another. It never goes 
away and hopefully never will his memory. Hats off to a great man.

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Last updated 05/09/2017

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