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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 2nd June 2017: Post: 01

Driller Killer


You know how I said I had no confidence that the A3010 would work, well 
scrub that. Plugged in, switched on and pressed the DELETE and she 
booted straight into RISC OS3. My goodness. And it wasn't a fluke, I 
repeated the process five times. Thing is without the battery the 
machine has to reset and that means you have to press the DELETE and the 
pretty coloured boxes on the screen that follow then a welcome beep and 
chug from the floppy drive means its going to load. Previously this 
machine just went into supervisor administrator mode and hung there... 
Not now. She works faultlessly.

When I got these machines originally I don't recall many of them 
working, but I wasn't to know the little trick with the RESET. I also 
wasn't aware of the battery issue. So I would have slung them into 
storage. Its magic that I have managed to get all the Acorns working, 
save the Archimedes. Add that the BBCs working and I'm in Acorn Antiques 

Anyway... I can close this chapter now and move on to other projects.



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Last updated 10/08/2017

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