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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 12th June 2017: Post: 02

Not more rubber bands


You ever played one of them games where you keep saying to yourself... ' 
I'll have one more go '. Well its been like that all day here with that 
Atari cassette. Trouble is I decided to get a blank tape out and was 
successful twice in consecutive attempts to record and play back data. 
Sadly I have not been able to replicate the process. The cassette even 
managed to chew up my disk head cleaning tape.

At first I was being unsuccessful so I slowly by hand wound the tape to 
the start avoiding the lead in. That recording works without fault... as 
does the second. I then tried to be clever and saved as [ save 
"c-colon-filename" ] this failed as did the next and the next and the 
next. I turned the tape over and tried several times more and again. No luck

I get a range of errors 143 data frame checksum, 138 timeout, and 140 
totally fu. The guide suggests I get the computer and the cassette 
recorder checked. What I find annoying about the Atari is you get no on 
screen noise or screen blanking to show something is happening. It does 
not register the file it has found or that it has found anything so you 
just wait. Also I don't appear to get any noises or beeps and that is on 
two TVs and three computers and two cassettes.

Anyway I have given up , for now ' I will have another go. The problem 
also with the 1010 is that its 9VAC and not 9VDC output and the end is a 
differing size to most I have. Like I have said, its not that I plan on 
using the kit seriously, I just want the comfort of knowing they are 
generally working. At the moment it could be computer, cassette, cable, 
tape, or any combination. Gently frustrating but as ever in a curiously 
interesting way.


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Last updated 05/08/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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