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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 15th June 2017: Post: 02



I think its time to get out the 128 in truth. Annoying cus the two metal 
cased versions I have were within my grasp today and  I ignored them. 
Buried behind a wall of A500s now. GEOS is very strange in the way it 
interacts with the disk drive. If you get a problem with loading or any 
other issue the problem will replicate even after you do a hard boot. 
You do have to go leave the computer and drive for a good while before 
you have another go. Getting in to GEOS is like trying to get an old 
fashioned British motorbike started on the kickstart. You have to prime 
the carbs and just keep kicking the thing over till it gets going. Great 
fun when it does but you realise its more about the power of the disk 
drive rather than the computer.

I checked out the FAQ and I guess I need some extra RAM in truth. Like I 
say its probably 128 time.


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Last updated 31/07/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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