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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 16th June 2017: Post: 01

Slots with everything


Digging out my drives for the C64 yesterday I cam across an Amiga 1011 
floppy drive. Immediately you knew that this was an Amiga product. Just 
from the weight, feel, colour and the sexy slots to the rear. I dunno 
what it was about everything Commodore and Amiga but the slots just are 
so prolific. I actually like the lines on the Commodore a little 
better.. remind me of one of those ScFi movies where a piercing light 
emanates from a strange alien space vessel through a single slot.

The slot gets moved on the Amiga 1000 but the theme is used on the 
various drives and the like

And then we have the variant on the slot with the A1200 and the A500

Which is also evident on the 3000T and 3000d

AND so to the Amiga 1011

I plugged in the 1011 to an A500 with the 590 and the small floppy fits 
neatly over the 590 and looks just the part. Worked no problem, but that 
was no surprise. I really do struggle using any of the other brands of 
computer from a specific timeline. Most have some issues and 
annoyances... but Commodore kit generally works. I never really question it.

Magic company and such a sad loss to the world of computing.

Never mind


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Last updated 30/07/2017

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