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ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2017

Entry 9th March 2017: Post: 1

Cost of stuff


I will have another go. I am a little suspicious of the external hd SCSI cus 
I can't understand why I never used it. Especially with such a lot of 
storage. Not like me to let it go to waste. Suggests I may have had a 
problem with it in the past. The ZIP drive became unresponsive the other 
night. I'll take on board your comments and maybe try the drive totally on 
its own tomorrow. If it had worked on the Falcon I may have drawn some 
comfort. I'll see how I get on.

I do have another CD SCSI, very thin unit, but it has a ribbon connector and 
needs a tower power supply. I have rejected in the past but I guess I could 
get it to work.


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Last updated 25/11/2017

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