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ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2017

Entry 11th March 2017: Post: 2

Atari 1050


Tried the XC12 cassette player with the Atari but whilst I could get rewind 
I couldn't get fast forward or play. Opened up and the rubber band is like 
so loose. rewind stretches and so activates the pulley wheel. If if press on 
the band whilst in fast forward I can get the pulley to activate. Play won't 
work but then may need a signal from the computer or ' CLOAD' in 
Atari-speak. Anyway, as ever, Ebay saved the day and for a most £3.50 was 
able to get a replacement belt. See how I get on.

I have set up a little TV zone for machines that use the TV and so far I 
have the Atari 2600 [ for River Raid ]

The Atari 130XE with a the 1050 floppy drive

The Sinclair Spectrum 48K with interface

The Amstrad Spectrum+3 for the 3" drive

The Acorn Electron cus I Just couldn't resist. The one with the expansion at 
the back

AND... the PS2 for Ridge Racer Type 4

I also have the ZX81 on tap but not set up all the time.

I now can play quite a selection of games. I like cartridges  like MsPacMan, 
Centipede, Crystal Caverns [ thinks its called ] and the classic Space 

Going now


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Last updated 25/11/2017

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