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ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2017

Entry 24th March 2017: Post: 4

PS are watching you

Just got this message from PlayStation.... listing my activity 
since 2007 when I bought the PS3. Has to be the machine I have 
used least.... they obviously couldn't track my activity since 
the days of the PS1. Anyway these are the facts

Joined PSN on 27th October 2007. The game I have played the most 
is FIFA 10. With a total hours of 941 hours. Whilst never really 
getting into trophies I have 6 gold, 23 silver and 106 bronze 
which puts me in the top 41% of players. My rarest trophy is 
Master Treasure Collector for Tomb Raider Underworld ' Find all 
179 Treasures '. I share this with 17850 other players.

Nice of them to keep tabs on me. Good thing they don't have 
access to my Amiga.


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Last updated 09/09/2017

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