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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 6th May 2017: Post: 2

Pulsating Rhythm


Whilst using the Amiga 1000 I have gotten quite use to the pulsating 
rhythm of the PSU fan. It was quite noticeable the first few days of 
use. Anyway slowly it has ebbed away which is good I guess but in truth 
it was like the heart of the Amiga feeding life into the 1000. I am one 
of those strange breed that like the click of the Amiga. I always know 
if I have left a machine on cus I get that soft click in the 
background.... and it always makes me happy. Always.

The PSU fan is a bit over the top for the 1000 I would have thought. 
Can't think the kit ever gets that warm. Is the same with the Archimedes 
in truth. Different era I guess.


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Last updated 01/09/2017

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