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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 13th May 2017: Post: 2

Check and Mate


So imagine for one minute you could do the following.

Have two Windows PCs switched on together and connected with say a 
simple NetBeui style crossover cable of old. You then create a partition 
on the one PC and copy the entire contents of the one PCs hard drive 
over to the other. You then format the PCs hard drive while still 
switched on and connected to the other computer without breaking the 
link between them. You then simply copy the entire contents of the drive 
back to the other PC without ever switching either off and then reboot 
and the other computer just performs exactly as it did.

Days were that I could use Norton Ghost to copy a hard drive, but I 
would need to physically install another hard drive.

What I just did with the Checkmate is truly amazing in truth. With both 
machines switched on throughout the process I was able to copy the 
contents of the one Workbench to the 1200 and then format the Workbench 
on the Checkmate and then simply copy the contents back to the newly 
formatted Workbench on the Checkmate. I then , and only then, switched 
off and when the computer came back up it had fixed the problem.

I fear the second SCSI drive, though, may be a bigger issue. One of the 
joys of using DOpus and Parnet is that when the process freezes and you 
get the checksum on the faulty machine and you can actually read the 
file that it halted on , in DOpus, so you can make a record of which 
files haven't copied properly. For anyone that hasn't done this before, 
it really is as clear as seeing a file being reported on a faulty drive 
as being say 250K in size but when copied faulty following a failure 
notice will show say only 125K. The checksum means just that, the file 
should be 250K, and shows 250K but in truth it really is only 125 of 
busted file. The good thing is that now you know which files are damaged 
you can go hunt around and mend them all.... on your clean copy. Then 
format the drive having checked it for errors and then reinstall.

The Amiga is so wonderful when it comes to disk management. No lengthy 
registers with meaningless twaddle as description.

Anyway.. took me best part of the day. I had thought I may just copy the 
files over to floppy. But I am glad in truth I was in the throws of 
setting up a Parnet. Still one of the most simple ways of copying from 
one Amiga to another, though you do need the special cable. I also have 
a disk with the files in their respective folders to run off a hard 
drive so you can manually install to a floppy when you have issues like 

The Checkmate is running fine again. Now I have a copy of the respective 
drives so I'm not that troubled. I will now Parnet to one of my other 
1200s in the Workshop and get the files onto a ZIP drive and CD. That 
way I will never fear not being able to play DragonTiles again... phew 
that was close.


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Last updated 01/09/2017

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