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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 26th May 2017: Post: 5

Down the rabbit hole


Following on from that last post and thinking about happy memories with 
tape...that time on The Broads.... funny thing is I was listening to 
Kylie on the tape player. To give some date to this Bryan Adams was 
number one.

Sounds better on tape with the extended version or watch the film on 
VHS. Old KC was the mother of all extended runs for hits in the charts. 
Next up was Whitney Houston where he starred in the Body Guard.

Thankfully both films main music was way more memorable than the films. 
Worse was to come for Mr Costner with Waterworld. Absolute garbage....

I recall being in my office and listening to Whitney as Windsor Castle 
burnt down and was moved by my best band for the era... Thankfully there 
was always Deacon Blue.

I have that on tape, video, CD, mp3-4 and DvD. I travelled to Portsmouth 
to see the mighty Ricky Ross. The greatest Scottish poet.

More boating metaphors... though Dignity could be anything when 
referring the toils of ordinary working folk.

there's a man i meet walks up our street
he's a worker for the council
has been twenty years
and he takes no lip off nobody
and litter off the gutter
puts it in a bag
and never seems to mutter
and he packs his lunch in a "sunblest" bag
the children call him "bogie"
he never lets on
but i know 'cause he once told me
he let me know a secret about the money in his kitty
he's gonna buy a dinghy
gonna call her dignity

Saying that.. this was classic for the era...

I remember 1993 so well... Its the year of the Amiga 1200.


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Last updated 29/08/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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