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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 30th May 2017: Post: 2

What is Truly Amazing

Hi Paul

I remember Henry .. He would pop in and sort out the problems we were 
having with Windows3.1 for Work Groups. Last thing he did was fit P90s 
to all the machines before I left in April 1995. At that time there was 
Escom in Fareham and a computer store right at the far end of the high 
street that had trays of old kit , salvaged from various computers. Man 
what I would give for a store like that now.

Paul Jones worked for Portsmouth County I believe and then one day came 
into millions of pounds left by a relative. So he bought the best he 
could afford and I'm sure that was the case with the boat. He would take 
out wealthy clients and use us, his staff, as glorified bar help to keep 
clients topped up.

Its incredible how you trip across folk on your journeys through life. 
These days bumping into folk means social networking more and more.

So what was I doing on the Amiga while Henry was mucking around with 
P90s.... Looking at buying a ZIP drive and seeing if I could stretch 
funds to getting the Squirrel. Sadly it never happened as in truth I 
never could quite afford it. Not on Paul Jones' salary.


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Last updated 24/08/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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