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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 31st May 2017: Post: 4

Kitchen Corner


It gets better. I really really wanted to have success with the old BBC 
Master cus of the literal travel history of the computer. I have so 
neglected this machine and I just wanted to breath life back into the 
computer. Up until today I was unable to verify that the double drive 
unit was working. Well I can now confirm with qualified success that 
both drives are working.

The Drives are numbered 2 80TRK, 0 40TRK, 3 80TRK and 1 40TRK. That is 2 
and 0 one side and 3 and 1 on the other. So I simply Type Form 40 and it 
formats Drive 0 at 40 TRK [ 5.25" DS/DD ]. I then formatted FORM 80  and 
this formatted Drive 3 at 80TRK. So both drives work without fault. And 
so I was off copying  *COPY 0 3 'file' and that copied from Drive 0 to 
Drive 3 the file that I saved in BASIC. I could then CAT 3 and see if 
the file was copied. And all worked without fault. Incredible really. 
Been using INFO , ENABLE, BACKUP, CAT, COPY and FORM 40 and FORM 80. I'm 
a BBC wizard.

*FORM 40
Format which drive ? 0
G0 (Y/N) ? Y
Formatting drive 0 track
   (runs from :&00 to &27)
Formats a 40-track disc in drive 0.
*FORM 80
Format which drive ? 3
G0 (Y/N) ? Y
Formatting drive 0 track
   (runs from &00 to &4F)
Formats an 80-track disc in drive 3.

Its all here... not that I need to read any more. I know everything... I 
really can't back that up. Or can I ?


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Last updated 24/08/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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