Commodore Amiga Retro


The Amiga OS: Kickstart

First Generation

Workbench Release 1.0, v30.?? (Kickstart v30.x, NTSC only)
Released: October 1985
Kickstart on disk (256KB), plus software

Workbench Release 1.1, v31.334
(Kickstart v31.34 (NTSC), v32.34 (PAL))
Released: December 1985 Kickstart on disk (256KB)
and included new software
Shipped with the Amiga 1000. Also available as update

Workbench Release 1.2, v33.46, 33.47, 33.56, 33.59, 33.61
(Kickstart v33.180)
Released: 1986, 1987 New ROM (256KB, or Kickstart disk for A1000)
plus software
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, also available as update

Workbench Release 1.3, v34.20 (Kickstart v34.5)
Released: 1988 New ROM (256KB, or Kickstart disk for A1000)
plus software
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, and also available as update

Workbench Release 1.3.1 , v34.25
Release date: Not a public release

Workbench Release 1.3.2, v34.28
Release date: 1989 and new software only
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, and also available as update

Workbench Release 1.3.3, v34.34
Release date: 1990, new software only
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, and available as update

Workbench Release 1.3.4, v34.??
Release date: 1990, new software only
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, and available as update

Workbench Release 1.3.4, v34.??
Release date: 1990, new software only
Shipped with the Amiga 500, 2000, available as update

2nd Generation

Workbench Release 2.0, v36.68 (Kickstart 36.?)
Release date: 1990 SuperKickstart disk, new software
Shipped with the early Amiga 3000s only

Workbench Release 2.04 , v37.67 (Kickstart v37.175)
Release date: Late October 1991 New ROM (512KB) and software
Shipped with the Amiga 500+, 3000, and available as update

Workbench Release 2.05 , v37.71, 37.72
(Kickstart v37.299, 37.300, 37.350)
Release date: 1992, new ROM (512KB) and software
Shipped with the Amiga 600, 600HD, available as update

Workbench Release 2.1 , v38.36
Release date: November/December 1992, new software only
Shipped with the Amiga 600, available as update

3rd Generation

Workbench Release 3.0 , v39.29 (Kickstart v39.106)
Release date: 1992, new ROM (512KB)
and software for AGA Amigas only
Shipped with the Amiga 1200, 4000 only

Workbench Release 3.1 , v40.42
(Kickstart v40.55, .56, .58, .60, .63, .68, .70)
Release date: 1994, new ROM (512KB) and software
Shipped with all current "Classic" Amigas, available as upgrade

Workbench 3.5 , v44.2, v44.4, v44.5
(uses Kickstart 3.1 ROM(s)
Initial release: October 18, 1999
Boing Bag 1 release: December 24, 1999
Boing Bag 2a release: January 9, 2001
New software (CD-ROM only), requires 3.1 ROM(s)
Available as upgrade

Workbench 3.9 , v45.1, 45.2, 45.3
Initial release date: December 4, 2000
Boing Bag 2 released: March 20, 2002
Boing Bag 1 released: March 31, 2001
NDK released: January 7, 2002, new software
Available as upgrade

Beta Versions

Workbench Beta v0.7 (27.3), 0.9 (29.2) Br> Beta phase: August 1985
Workbench Beta 1.4, v36.16, 36.8, 36.993, 36.1123, 36.1228
Beta phase: 1989/1990
Workbench Beta 2.0x, v36 (2.00-2.03)
Release date: 1989
Workbench Beta v2.1
Beta phase: 1991
Workbench Beta 3.2/4.0, v43.1
Beta phase: unknown
A modified, mostly 3.1-based Kickstart ROM was used
Workbench Beta 3.5 , v44.x
Beta phase: May 1998 - October 1999


CDTV (Kickstart v34.5)
Release date: 1991, new software only
Shipped with CDTV units only


CD32 (Kickstart v40.56, 40.58, 40.60)
Release date: 1993 New ROM (1MB) and software
Shipped with the CD32 units only

Machines in General

List of originally shipped Workbench
Though not necessarily in all cases A1000 - Workbench 1.1 to 1.3
A500 - Workbench 1.2 to 1.3.4
A500+ - Workbench 2.04
A600 - Workbench 2.05
A1200 - Workbench 3.0
A2000 - Workbench 1.2 to 1.3.4
A3000 - Workbench 2.0 - 2.04
A4000 - Workbench 3.0

Amigas can upgrade to the next OS
but may require a hardware ROM upgrade

New ROMS required

Workbench 1.2
Workbench 1.3
Workbench 2.04
Workbench 2.05
Workbench 3.0
Workbench 3.1

Notes on Workbench upgrades
To upgrade a machine to use a newer OS may
mean a hardware upgrade and new ROMS
For example to run the 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9
on say the A1200 or A4000 requires the
3.1 ROMS which is a physical hardware upgrade.
Further, only certain of the kickstarts supported
hard-drives, as with the A600. To run a hard-drive
on the A600 you need kickstart v37.350 for hard drives
larger than 40MB. Also for the modern larger hard drives
you need to upgrade any WB 3.0 machine to a minimum 3.1 ROM
( and this is a hardware upgrade )

Amiga Chronology

AMIGA 1000
Year: 1985
Memory: 256K
Processor: 68000
Details: Kickstart loaded from disk OCS chipset.

Year: 1987
Memory: 512K (expandable to 1024K)
Processor: 68000
Speed (MHz): 7.14
Details: First low-end Amiga OCS chipset
DMA expansion slot
Kickstart 1.2/1.3.

AMIGA 2000
Year: 1987
Memory: 256K
Processor: 68000
Details: Hard drive as standard
Zorro II slots, OCS/ECS chipset, Kickstart 1.2-2.04

AMIGA 1500
Year: 1990
Memory: 1MB
Processor: 68000
Details: A2000 with 2 disk drives

AMIGA 3000
Year: 1990
Memory: 1MB
Processor: 68030
Details: Kickstart 2, Zorro III slots, ECS chipset

AMIGA 500+
Year: 1991
Memory: 1MB
Processor: 68000
Details: ECS chipset, Kickstart 2 Workbench 2.04

Year: 1991
Memory: 1MB
Processor: 68000
Details: A500 with CD-ROM + 1.3 ROM

Year: 1991
Memory: 2MB
Processor: 68030
Details: An expandable A3000 in a tower

Year: 1992
Memory: 1MB
Processor: 68000
Details: Smaller A500+ without a numeric keypad, PCMCIA

AMIGA 4000/040
Year: 1992
Memory: 6MB
Processor: 68040
Details: Workbench/kickstart 3, AGA chipset

AMIGA 4000/030
Year: 1992
Memory: 6MB
Processor: 68030
Details: As above

AMIGA 1200
Year: 1992
Memory: 2MB
Processor: 68020EC
Details: First low-end 32 bit Amiga,
AGA chipset. PCMCIA Slot

Year: 1993
Memory: 2MB
Processor: 68020EC
Details: A1200 without a keyboard +
double speed CD drive, Kickstart 3.1

AMIGA 4000/060
Year: 1996
Memory: 6MB
Processor: 68060
Details: A4000 with 68060

Please visit Greg Donner`s Workbench page for full listings
of all the Amiga OS`s. Many thanks to Greg

Also visit Amiga Chronology for more on the Amiga history line

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Last updated 07/10/06