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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 10th June 2017: Post: 02

Atari Heavy Maintenance


I was probably being a bit cruel on Atari. I do get a lot of search 
responses daily from Ebay on the 1050 but just don't have any luck with 
the DOS disk. The Atari sits there connected with the drive but am 
unable to use it without the disk and it kinda frustrates me cus I 
really don't like doing things without being able to save. And like I 
said I have had no luck with tapes and other machines do allow the use 
of third party products.

I will certainly take a look at your suggestions and let you know how I 
get on.

Many thanks for that.

I have the 800 with the 600 sitting atop at the moment , so funny, and 
am simply going through the processes that they are functioning. The 600 
is an interesting little machine and I have two of them both working. 
The Atari trips from games console style cartridge machine to more 
serious breadbox to the more conventional Amiga 1200/500 style and I 
kinda find them somewhat disconnected. I just never got my head round 
their timeline I guess. Maybe time to give the Atari some TLC.


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Last updated 06/08/2017

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