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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2017

Entry 28th June 2017: Post: 5

Imagine Dragons


Quite a sad story really

Information about the Dragon Professional is about as rare as the 
machine itself. There are about eight in existence or should be... Never 
seen the white one that I know exists, irrespective of what is said in 
this video. The Holy Grail of the Dragon. And sadly I don't have one... 
and not likely.

I have a few Dragons. Very similar to the TRS-80. [ quote ] Both the 
Dragon and the TRS-80 Color Computer are based on a Motorola data sheet 
design for the MC6883 SAM (MMU) chip for memory management and 
peripheral control. [ end quote ]

Took me a while to finally get one that is working, and happy to say 
still is. If you play the Dragon next to the TRS-80 they look exactly 
the same.

Saying all that I was told I would never ever get hold of an Amiga 670 
but I not only got a machine but also a motherboard.

Found the computer in Sweden. You just have to keep trying.

And now you can Imagine Dragons ...


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Last updated 26/07/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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