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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 19th May 2017: Post: 2

I have done something very bad

Fitted the card and it managed to disable the floppy drive in the A600. 
Not one to give up I tried in another A600 and it worked just fine. I 
have masses of space loads of games and now nothing left to do on this 
computer, Just takes all the fun away. I guess I can now take a look at 
the other 600 and see what the problem is. First issue I see is that the 
floppy cable is very long and the drive quite loose.. Interesting.

So back to the workbench for the 600. This 2.1 beast can go sit in a 
corner somewhere. I found my 2.1 install disk so I don't need the OS any 
more and my bestest 600 is perm plugged in sitting above the 1000 so 
don't have space for another 600. Useful I guess to have a back up. I 
can Parnet all the Checkmate stuff across and save it on that drive just 
in case. Trouble with the 600 is acceleration. I just don't have any for 
the 600. Best I got are some RAM cards. Never mind.



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Last updated 01/09/2017

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