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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 22nd May 2017: Post: 2

Parnet issues

Problem solved. I had been focussing all my efforts on the A2000 given 
that it was the A2000 that was hanging when I fired up Parnet. What I 
had forgotten was that the reason all this was happening was that I have 
a failed SCSI drive on the Checkmate and needed to back it up, so when I 
used the Checkmate with the 1200 I used my floppy disk version of 
Workbench that I had customised with Parnet included. I never ran the 
Checkmate off the disk based Parnet. Further, the Checkmate had a 
version of Parnet on it so never questioned the install.

I woke this morning thinking just that, retracing my steps and so I then 
changed my focus to the Checkmate as being the problem, even though the 
machine was making the network connection and placing the Network icon 
on the screen.

And there it was.... In the C drawer.. or not as it turned out there 
were no NETPATCH, NetSTAT or netpnet-server [ though this last one 
should be in L ]. And I simply copied the files over from the 2000 cus 
the Checkmate could see the 2000. Rebooted and like magic it all worked 
and now the A2000 has the Network icon on the screen.

The moral here was that when dealing with Networks always remember to 
look at all the computers involved, not just the one you think has the 
problem. It wasn't the 2000 that was at fault it was the Checkmate not 
giving access.

So NETPATCH and NetSTAT was the problem, just make sure they are in C on 
both computers.

Thanks for reading


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Last updated 29/08/2017

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