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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2017

Entry 24th May 2017: Post: 4

Bit of a dust up


I removed the screw holding the GVP in place and let the card rock 
upward at the other end so the whole card is level. If you screw in at 
the one end the card never feels level to me. Anyroadup... I fired her 
up and left her running for an hour plus and she ran without fault. I 
have moved her to the location of a 1200 and hooked up the Microvitec 
and she's been running OK again for the last 45 minutes or so. Normally 
she would flip after 15 minutes. The computer is also booting in 
straight away.

What I had to do with the A2000HD is move the card to another machine. 
The badge and the casing go together so when I swap the case nobody will 
know. I have no plans to do the same here, but, the life of this 
computer is in the RoM, hard drive and the GVP and I can always 
replicate that in a Borg machine. That is why I collected so much. Its 
the only way an old electrical numbskull like me can keep the kit running.

At the moment we are green across the screen. So Amigas crossed.


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Last updated 29/08/2017

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