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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2017

Entry 30th August 2017: Post: 6

RETROSpring 2017 Entry Six

[ diary entry ]

I had intended creating a series of blogs relating
to the following images and did begin to write a
whole bag of text but sadly time got the better of
me and I moved on. So I feature the images as a kind
of RETROspective of earlier this Spring just so I
can at least feature the photographs.

The pictures shown here reflect my activities for
Spring April/May 2017 and the joys of retro.

And so below is RETROSpring of 2017 Entry Six

TLC for the 2000. Three units in need of repair
Just a clean down and seating of the card got her working

Internal workings of the Amiga 2000

Added a RAM card I had lying around

Think thats an Port Extender.. Don't have my notes

Looks like one

More internal images

This is the dodgy card that was refusing to boot

Just needed a little dust off and the connector cleaned

The Bridgeboard. I abandoned this as a project
in favour of getting the 1060 working

I did spend a reasonable amount of time
with the humble A600 in the spring

The 2000 with a GVP needed just the screw
removed to the accelerator card and she worked

The inside needed a bit of a spring clean

Getting there

The 2320 fitted to the GVP 2000

More power to the 2000. With the board cleaned
the card reseated but not locked in with the screw
she worked just fine. In the end the spring saw
four Amiga 2000/1500s back up and running. Was a
very successful period. Good news they are still working

Emulator card

An Amiga 500 with 5000 worth of power

Strange RAM expansion for the A600. You really
never know what you are going to find in there

I did struggle with the hard drives on the 600
and spent some good time using a Parnet to back up

Uncovered a few lost 600s in boxes
Note the HD on the badge.

A rogue A500Plus which still had the battery
Not for very long

Trouble with the checkmate second SCSI drive
Spent a good time getting the Parnet working

Transferring data from the Checkmate to a 1200

My little army of A500's waiting checking

I checked through 26 machines and just two had problems

A1000s at the ready for the 1060 shake down

C128's desktops put through their paces

The struggle that was the Amiga 1060

Hadn't realised how significant and important the
original Amiga mouse was to the sidecar process

Boxes and more boxes

Dragging all the 1000s out for their spring clean

And the 1060 worked in the end. Needed just the right
brand of sidecar sofware , but she worked

The inside of a 1060

That floppy drive needs a good clean

A memory expansion for the A1000. Sadly takes up
the same slot as the Sidecar so pretty useless

And that was the spring of 2017

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Last updated 30/08/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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