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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2019

Entry 3rd August 2019: Post 01: C64 - What ?? There are two Hollywoods.

C64 - What ?? There are two Hollywoods.

On the issue of the C64C box sets and my search for Hollywood I
promise this will the last on the matter. I went a digging again
and found a box with some C64 box sets inside and was pleased to
uncover the Hollywood game set that went with the box set. And
then I found another... completely different. Now I am utterly
baffled. Enough !!

Anyhooo !! Also inside were few more box sets and a couple of
games that I pictured. And that is that I will say no more.

C64 - What ?? There are two Hollywoods.

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Last updated 4th August 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2019