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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2019

Entry 19th August 2019: Post 01: Amiga - Dir Work File Management.

Amiga - Dir Work File Management.

For me the two pane file management tools of say Dopus and Dir Works
are sadly missed when using the Windows based machines. Software
such as DOpus was more than just a file manager, it was an all in
one file interrogation tool which implemented programs and was so
useful at converting and archiving at the same time. With DOpus up
I could pretty much do everything on the Amiga without resorting
to the basic Workbench screen and opening drawers and files from

To this day I still use Windows Explorer and directories as lists
rather than ever using icons. It troubles me no end when reflecting
on the nightmare that is Windows 10. I have no idea what I will do
when I am forced to use icons..... I think folk call them APPS.

Anyway, the last few days have been a real struggle cus I have
lost a disk. Has driven me bonkers. I sourced another disk copy
in the end but I really wanted my original disk. Still lost.

To compare Dir Works I thought I would fire up DiskMaster. Sadly
my original has gone walkies so I loaded into the 1200 a cover
disk from New Computer Express. Sadly I got nothing but garbled
wording on screen. I used Relokick and 1.3 on the Amiga but that
didn't work. In the end I sorted out a PD Underground disk. Not
particularly inspiring, but then I am spoilt by DOpus.

And so to FileMaster and for this I used Amiga User International.
Whilst I was able to decruch the disk to the hard drive, I had
to use two of the three disks and this involved disk swapping
which can be a pain. Again the software left me feeling short.

So to CU Amiga and Dir Works which is truly ordinary. I have
tried to use this software on numerous occasions but it seems
pointless when I have DOpus available. It tries its best but just
doesn't compare for me.

Lastly I fired up InfoNexus which is cute. It has a way better
interface to DOpus but again doesn't really have the same level
of functionality. I do also show SID within the body of the
images, which really is the granddaddy of them all. In truth if
I wasn't using DOpus I would use SID. I do use SID on the A500
machines with 1.3. It really is very good.

File management for me on the Amiga is essential. Whilst the
Workbench has its uses, for me I tend always to use DOpus from
the get-go. It just saves so much time in truth. Bit like how I
design my own HTM based browser interface on the Windows machine
and basically view and manage everything from the browser. I
do so hate the Windows ... er windows. They are crap.

Going now... time for tea and toast. As you do.

Amiga - Dir Work File Management.

SID v1.06

SID 1.06 Directory Utilities

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Last updated 19th August 2019

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