

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2023

Entry 06th December 2023: Post 1: Amiga disk mags - Exotica for Jungle and RAW.

Amiga disk mags - Exotica for Jungle and RAW.

Having spent the evening tracking down my Amiga disk mags for The
Jungle I then go online and find they are all listed for download
from the very wonderful 'Exotica'.

Not only but also ... in addition to the multitude of disks on
offer they also have RAW featured. Pays to check online I guess.

My disks carry no intro by the supplier of the disk and so need
to be de-crunched to ADF before being used. The Exotica play from
the emulator direct from the floppy if you restart with the disk
in the drive..

Well that was quick tonight. Here are the links to both those
Amiga disk magazines on Exotica.

Click for link to Exotica - The Jungle

Click for link to Exotica - RAW

Have fun.

Amiga disk mags - Exotica for Jungle and RAW.

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Last updated 6th December 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023