

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2023

Entry 21st December 2023: Post 1: House of Sian - 1000 PD disks.

House of Sian - 1000 PD disks.

Commodore Amiga Retro

Clara Veiga - The most beautiful woman in the world.

H O U S E - O F - S I A N

One off rare chance to snag 1000 demo disks from the House of Sian PD disk collection. For a limited time only

House of Sian - 1000 PD disks.

PDSoft PDSoft PDSoft

The disks for this collection are from PDSOFT
'The Ultimate AMIGA PD Demo Collection'
If anyone has Volume 1 I would love a copy

Amiga Demos

All files are amiga dms format in a ZIP file

Amiga Demo Disks 2001-2100

Amiga Demo Disks 2101-2200

Amiga Demo Disks 2201-2300

Amiga Demo Disks 2301-2400

Amiga Demo Disks 2401-2500

Amiga Demo Disks 2501-2600

Amiga Demo Disks 2601-2700

Amiga Demo Disks 2701-2800

Amiga Demo Disks 2801-2900

Amiga Demo Disks 2901-3000

Sample Image

Demo is a loose term so don't be surprised
at what is on the disks.

If you place the DMS file in the floppy
drive on the emulator and simply load a
config and select and load the file into
the floppy and boot it will play the disk.

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Last updated 21st December 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023