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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018

Entry 15th January 2018: Post: 4

To DMS or ADF that is the question

Doesn't really matter... Now listen up

OK sort out some files that you want
to decrunch to floppy disk. These are
on one of my volumes of CDs holding
PD libraries. Very useful. But even
more useful in ADF format. For me

Copy a file to RAM

I rename it to something I can't forget

Make sure you have DMS in C

Open the SHELL and type in what
is written here ...

Put a DD in the floppy and enter

Little tip.. If you hit the up
arrow what ever you wrote last time
magically reappears. Great for repeat
disk decrunching

Next up fire up ADFBlitzer.. As you do

And read the disk you created to RAM

ADFBlitzer will copy an un-initialised
disk so don't worry if it can't be
activated from the Workbench

Check the disk is working. I checked on
recently created set up . See previous post

Using ADFBlitzer I create another disk
to see if that is also working

And use my adjacent A500 that I check
demos on and like magic that worked

And there are the contents of the file


Now put your files in a safe place
so that you can retrieve them at any time

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Last updated 15/01/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018