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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018

Entry 16th January 2018: Post: 2

My PS2 fell over .. Literally !!!

I just can't catch a break at the moment. I was very hopeful of
getting a rest from lugging boxes around and the standing all day
working on kit, but hey. Problem now was that I had broken my trusty
PS2 and that just can't happen. And so I'm here again pouring over
computer kit working out what on earth is wrong.

OK while I was shifting stuff around I
managed to knock my PS2 off the TV and
cause the disk drawer to stick out. The
PS2 refused to boot up and the drawer was
well and truthfully stuck

You have to remove the rubber feet
and small cover pads to extract the
screws in the base of the PS2. Plus sadly
you have to break the warranty seal

That disk tray is good and stuck


You may be surprised to know that
lurking somewhere under there is yet
another rubber disk belt drive...
Please not today !!!!

OK I unscrewed the two very small
screws to the left of the tray
and was able to fully slide it out

And then successfully slide it back in

Seems to be correctly relocated

Cover back on and powers up
and the tray ejects..

And retracts... Job done

OK the acid test

YES !!!!

Seriously never trust a Dreamcast
I was playing ReVolt on the Dreamcast
and got so excited driving round the
supermarket I yanked at the controller
and managed to push the PS2 standing
close by off the table. Sadly it dropped
vertically and scratched the case

Kinda sad really. I love my PS2 it
really has given me years and years
of fun. I was reflecting today on
which of the PlayStations I have spent
most time on and I guess it would be a
close tie between PS1 and 2 and way back
in 3rd would be the PS3. Thing is even
after getting the PS3 I spent more time
gaming on the PS2. Just really is a no
nonsense machine. And I know I could
play PS2 stuff on the PS3 but it just
isn't the same.

Whilst its kinda risky having your PS
standing vertical, I put down the fact
that both my PS2 and PS3 are still alive
and kicking down to standing vertical
Their ultimate demise will no doubt be
to me knocking them over

Time to play a while... Drift !!!

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Last updated 16/01/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018