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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2019

Entry 31st January 2019: Post 01: Acorn Ultimate - Needing power

Acorn Ultimate - Needing power
This bit of kit is so frustrating. The unit should be housed in an
Acorn A3010 but sadly it will not work without a power supply.
Quite strange for an add-on card to need its own dedicated power
supply, other than in say a side car. Shame really cus I can find
nothing about the power needed.

The expansion is the HCCS Ultimate with Armstrong Walker Version G.
Evidently this provides a 20MB 2.5" hard drive plus a user port.
Incredibly the card also has a very small fan. That is all I know.

PS I am still working on my index. Going to take a while.

Acorn Ultimate - Needing power

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Last updated 31st January 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2019