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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018

Entry 1st July 2018: Post 13: Armageddon Man

Armageddon Man - Satellite Wars

OK the year is 2032 AD and the powers of the world have formed the
UNN or United Nuclear Nations and in doing built the Olympus which
is a controlling satellite to monitor world events. At the helm is
you the Supreme Commander or Armageddon Man and you are charged with
not only monitoring events in individual countries but also able to
interfere and change the course of history. The primary purpose is
to avoid Armageddon.

Aims are to achieve a good working relationship with countries;
promote good working relationships; achieve economic and military
stability between countries and the UNN members.

The game was originally created for the Spectrum and then ported to
the Amstrad CPC and C64. I am playing the Amstrad version.

Dated 1987 by Martec and designed by J Wilson, D Martin, B Notarianni
and R France. The game for me is very similar to Balance of Power and
I struggled to find sufficient variation to not make me simply fire
up the Amiga game. Good quality strategy game, just lacked enough in
the way of extra added 'trumpets' to make it worthwhile.

Armageddon Man - Satellite Wars

Balance of Power

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Last updated 01/07/2018

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