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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018

Entry 1st July 2018: Post 18: ZX81

Sinclair ZX81 - Those melting wires

When I go through boxes of late I am minded to isolate the wires
from the polystyrene and place soft tissue around the wires to
prevent them coming into contact with the casing. It is less about
the actual wires degrading and more about the wires coming into
contact with the computer plastics and burning into the plastic.
The degrading of plastic is one that is generally just cosmetic
but in certain cases can be very harmful.

I opened this ZX81 box and discovered the white sticky on the
wires so decided to take all the contents out of the case and
clean off the white polystyrene residue and isolate the cables.
Wasn't a big problem as the cables were not that sticky. Worth
doing all the same. Also tested the ZX81 for basic power. Mostly
to check the power supply which is becoming a touch rare now.

Sinclair ZX81

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Last updated 01/07/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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