

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023

Entry 18th July 2023: Post 1: Amiga Computing - 1992 There is more.

Amiga Computing - 1992 There is more.

Before I get onto the topic of today's blog I thought I would just
make a comment regarding the validity of the blog and this site.
I was reading recently an article about the death of blogging. It
wasn't till I had read a good part of the text that I saw that
the article was over six years old. It was attempting to discuss
why blogs are dead and why nobody uses them any more. Fortunately
I spend an eternity mucking around with stuff that nobody uses
any more so it is no biggy.

The site was originally created to unload my collecting habits
from the Yahoo Groups. Whilst many enjoyed my diary of collecting
I could see that it would annoy a number. So I created my own
group with the purpose of diarising my activities. A good number
of folk joined the group and I still had an active family of
fellow retro enthusiasts at its closure by Yahoo. For some time
I had seen the depreciation in interest of web surfers prepared
to read the diary of a collector. More and more visitors were
either on the hunt for free downloads or trying to check their
auctions for descriptive content.

I have neither cared for adoration or ever sought it. I carry no
active content or seek the comments of others. I do this simply
as a way of recording my collection and what I do. I have always
held the view that your life, no matter how insignificant is worth
remembering. I would be lost without my journals. Many is the
night I flick back through the years and amuse myself over various
things that happened that I have long since forgotten.

And so to the point. I am not following any trends here. I care
not for social media or any form of validation. I know that few
would take the time to read the diary of another. Personally it
isn't something even I would do. However, the site was given
purpose by me in 2004 and lives by its own philosophy if I can
call it that. To be honest to that goal I continue to record
what I do, particularly in respect of my collected worth. I do
rarely comment on politics or religion. I am not taken to making
comment about anything in truth unless it impinges on what I do.
I am very passionate about my own beliefs but that is a personal
matter that I keep to myself. And so the blog is not a diary of
my life and what I stand for, but a literal record of all of my
activities relating to my true love for home computers.

Enough said. I guess I could have just commented that I am fully
aware that the blog is dead and I doubt anyone has any interest
in reading this stuff... but hey, verbosity is my thing.

Yesterday I wrote a blog regarding an Amiga Computing magazine
from 1992 that I was very excited to be adding to the collection.
What I didn't mention was that it was just one of six for the year
that I have successfully added to the collection. What is more is
that I have even more on the way. I have spent the last six months
hunting down Amiga Computing and Amiga User International magazines
to fill in some gaps in the collection. Sadly I have no way of
completing my AUI collection but at least I can dream if getting
the only cover disk missing from the vault.

Today I feature a fist full of Amiga Computing magazines that after
some serious tracking down now reside in the collection. The year
of 1992 now has a healthy stock of magazines to accompany some of
the most important cover disks in the collection. What is more I
have the supplements relating to gaming that Amiga Computing ran
as part of the monthly publication. I even have yet another copy
of the image of the poster of Elvira from one of the supplements.

I have to give a big thank you to a couple of guys that have helped
so much in my endeavours. It was a real pleasure dealing with them
and I sincerely appreciate the efforts to protect the magazines in
transit together with the disks. I am truly grateful.

I have been blogging now for over thirty years ,advising of the
things I collect. My current endeavours may be a little more modest
to what I have enjoyed over the years, but they still provide a
steady trickle of items to the collection. So I will continue to
write my blogs, no matter how unfashionable they become.

Amiga Computing - 1992 There is more.

I shall wait until I receive my latest package
which is in the post before updating the list.
Suffice to say 1992 will soon look a lot healthier.

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Last updated 18th July 2023

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