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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2018

Entry 3rd June 2018: Post: 4: Acorn Army

My Acorn Army - A3010 and A3020 Proof - Pudding: Phase IV

So are they all ship shape and Bristol fashion

You bet yah !! I used the trusty black and white Amstrad and 
whilst there is a missing floppy with the last unit all were fine. 
The reason the last Acorn A3010 has no floppy is cus I removed
the large interface from inside and its configured a little strange.

The Acorn ARMy at the ready

Acorn Archimedes A3020

First up the A3020

Acorn Archimedes A3020

Acorn Archimedes A3020

Boots no problem

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Next up the A3010 Unit 1

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Working as required

Acorn Archimedes A3010

A3010 Unit 2

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Working just fine

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Next A3010 Unit 3

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Acorn Archimedes A3010

A happy bunny

Acorn Archimedes A3010

And finally A3010 Unit 4

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Acorn Archimedes A3010

Working as intended.. less the floppy

Man was that a long day. Has to be done
though. Battery damage is a problem on
many machines and is something you have
to keep an eye on even after removal.

Sadly I have no way of dealing with the
capacitors. If you would like to guess
just how many capacitors I have here that
probably need changing... Answers on a postcard

All done. Managed to cut my finger wide open
on the metal shielding to the first A3010. It
is lethal so beware. Blood everywhere...

Acorn Archimedes A3020

The Acorn bARMy ARMy....

Did you get the ARM reference there

PS I kept buying A3010s on Ebay cus when
they arrived I didn't think they were working.
So I kept trying. Little did I know was with
the battery flat you need to keep hitting the
DELETE key to boot into the system.

One other thing.. Ebay hasn't always been the
overpriced selling site that it is now. Back in
the early days I could pick up an A3010 for £10
I was recalling an auction last night for a boxed
Amiga A1200 with hard drive that I won for £11

Folk today just see the BUY-NOW figure that everything
is sold for and sticks that on instead of running
an auction, which is how it use to be. Funny, but
EBAY now has become the very same as auctions in
online video games like WOW. That's how they do
business in Azeroth... Just as bonkers there.

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Last updated 03/06/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018