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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2019

Entry 11th June 2019: Post 02: The A500 is dead! - Long live the A1500!

The A500 is dead! - Long live the A1500!

I'm guessing if I had been a senior at Commodore and picked up the
May 1990 edition of Amiga Computing showing Steve Jones holding
up an empty A500 case, with the words 'The A500 is dead! - Long
live the A1500!' I'm guessing I would want to do something about
it. I have often thought that the use of the 'A1500' for the make
of the Checkmate was really the only great problem, with selling
a computer with an Amiga inside. There are any number of examples
of companies fitting branded computers into their product. I have
an Eyetech tower here that does just that.

So if the case had been labelled Checkmate and just that I doubt
it would have caused anything like the 'kerfuffle' that it did.
Certainly Commodore wouldn't have needed to codge together their
own branded A1500 to try and wipe out any memory of the Checkmate.

Anyway, it was interesting to dig through my pile of Your Computer
magazines to find that article. Gives me an opportunity to feature
some of the covers on the website.

As you do !!

The A500 is dead! - Long live the A1500!

Interestingly the badge is different and
says the words only Check Mate.. I believe.

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Last updated 11th June 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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