

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023

Entry 11th June 2023: Post 1: Amiga TransWrite - What's with the TW icon?

Amiga TransWrite - What's with the TW icon?

This was an easy question to answer, though less easy to prove.
The TW icon is a file saved by the word-processor TransWrite.

I do have the software which I tracked down on one of my archive
images tucked away deep inside a tub. Sadly that tub is well
and truly buried and I am in no mood to dig it out. Nothing for
it but to acquire another copy, which I did, and here it is.

There is a 'Junior' version on disk over at the EAB Magazine Rack
in CUAmiga August 92.

That was simple enough. I can get back to my gaming. 'As you do'.

Amiga TransWrite - What's with the TW icon?

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Last updated 11th June 2023

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