

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023

Entry 13th June 2023: Post 1: PC Games Cover Disks - More than you would think.

PC Games Cover Disks - More than you would think.

You could be forgiven for thinking that in the early nineties the
games cover disk was predominately created for machines like the
Atari and the Amiga. I certainly wouldn't have expected the tin
box PC to have faired very well when it came to games demos. The
other day I was trawling through a few drawers filled with PC disks
in the hunt for Pacific Islands, and was surprised by the number
of PC games cover disks, mostly for the period around 1992.

The disks were the property of one man who I know had a Win3.1
computer sat next to an Amiga 500. To me it looked like he was
covering most of his bases gaming wise, and the PC games offered
some interesting titles unknown to the wider home computing world.

I decided to take a few pics of some of the more notable games
disks and present a short list of a handful that I set aside for
the exercise.

Keen Dreams
Goblins 2
Joe & Mac
Worlds of Legend Son of the Empire
Another World
Time Lord
Lotus - The Ultimate Challenge
Pacific Islands
Cool Croc Twins
Perfect General
Blake Stone
Crystal caves
Titus the Fox
Ega Trek
World Rally Fever
NFL Coaches - Club Football
The Catacomb Abyss
Populous II
Duke Nukem
Delta Five
Hunt for Red Rock Rover
Captain Comic
Drop It
Moraffs World
Star Trekking
Star Wars - The Fighter
Adventures of Micro Man
CornCob 3D
Touzai Mahjong

Anyhoo I found Pacific Islands which is the subject of a later blog.
I didn't try out any of the disks given that I seriously didn't
want to muck up the OS on the 3.1 machine. Having attempted to play
games in the past on a PC I know too well just how DOS based some
of these things can be, and how configs can get changed. Dunno, just
a little wary I guess. The PC was never as easy to use as the Amiga.
Ain't that the truth.

PC Games Cover Disks - More than you would think.

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Last updated 13th June 2023

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