

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023

Entry 21st June 2023: Post 1: Amiga 1200 - For just 9 GB pounds.

Amiga 1200 - For just 9 GB pounds.

On 17th June 2004 I won an auction on Ebay for a working A1200,
PSU, external drive, mouse and manuals for just nine pounds. That
is 9 GB pounds. Nineteen years ago this very month and I still
have the computer.

With over thirty Amiga 1200s I have to take a wild stab at exactly
which Amiga 1200 we are talking about. However, from a simple
subtraction of Amiga 1200 computers that I know the history I am
pretty sure the one shown today is the computer in question.

The computer sits behind me here paired up with another A1200
sitting on a tub under covers. Both are connected to their PSU
and I check them regularly. Both these computers had stuck hard
drives which if you recall I carried out the old freezer trick
and got them working again.

Amazingly the case has stayed generally white with only the keys
yellowing. There are no cards inside so no extra RAM or speed up.
I tried the floppy and that worked fine. She also booted straight
into the OS which is OS3.5 on a 3.1 ROM.

I will be honest and say that I have never ever done anything
with this Amiga 1200 since the day she arrived. Almost twenty
years of complete and utter neglect. To think that the computer
could be giving such a lot of pleasure to a worthy user. It is
a crime to be sitting under covers and never seeing daylight.

So how does that make me feel ..? ' Sorry don't understand the
question'. It's my A1200, I paid nine quid for it and I got the
receipt. Sorry I never part with anything, like ever.

Today is the longest day. Whoo hoo !! Darker nights are coming.

PS You may note some missing text to the RAM and Work icon. One
of the issues of trying to run OS3.5 without any extra RAM is
there is an issue with icons that do not refresh when you move
stuff about. If you note the later images have the icons properly
presented. I should have refreshed the screen before taking the 
picture. Never mind.

Amiga 1200 - For just 9 GB pounds.

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Last updated 21st June 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

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