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ScuzzBlog: Diaries 2018

March 09: Entry 1808: scuzzblog: Post: 1

Chasing the 5.25 - C64 drive checks

Been a while since I last checked the active C64 drives that I
have ready and available to use down here. I have various others
that are in boxes and stored also in a large cupboard, but those
I tend to safely keep under cover as their quality is excellent.
And so to the C64 5.25" drives that I have that have been, well,
hammered over their lifetime. Much worn but still functional.

First though I set up a cassette tape of a test program so that 
I could have this on standby if my floppy disk falls over in any
of the units. I say units as there are ten of these drives to
check and each has its own individual unit number.

C64C with Simons Basic and joystick

1571 5.25 and datasette

Hmmm.. Miami Chase ( FOCUS )

Blank cassette at the ready

Simple one liner to test the tape

Saves to the datasette

Load and save are working just fine

So now I format a 5.25" floppy to test drive

Formatted again to check and saved with
CVINK test name which I shall use on all
the other drives. This drive was Unit 9

So loaded file from tape and saved
to the floppy drive on Unit 9 which
is currently the 1571 you saw earlier

This process will be repeated on all
of the drives to check they are working

Five minute break to play Miami Chase

Miami Chase

Unit 7

Unit 7 - Working Fine

Unit 1

Unit 1 - Working Fine

Unit 2

Unit 2 - Working Fine

Unit 3

Unit 3 - Working Fine

Unit 4

Unit 4 - Working Fine

Unit 6

Unit 6 - Working Fine

Unit 5

Unit 5 - Working Fine

Unit 8 and Unit 10 are here
working with another C64

And so all ten C64 drives are working fine

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Last updated 09/03/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018