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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 3rd May 2018: Post: 3

IBM PS/2 P70 386 Portable ... two of em

The wonderfully efficient IBM PS/2 portable. Just does what it
says on the tin. Quite a pleasant little machine if you like
orange screens. The character on the wallpaper I had always assumed
to be the guy off All Creatures Great and Small. Turns out it
may actually be Barry, the guy that sold me the portable.

The computer is filled with all the usual software you would find
on a computer of the Win3.1 period. Grown up stuff in other words.

I do have a second of these machines that struggles to work. It
also has the most disgusting rubber handle which is literally
melting into a sticky goo... Yuk.

That was the IBM PS/2 Portable P70 386... or Mr Orange.

The reason the display is orange is cus its a gas plasma neon lamp
and is contained within a vacuum tube. The 386DX ran at either
16 or 20 MHz with 30, 60 or 120 MB DBA ESDI hard disk options.
The computer goes through a memory test before starting. If though
the machine does not fire up that screen it will basically halt.
The second of my machines just fails to kick in giving one short
beep and two long beeps.

My second IBM PS/2 sporting Atlanta 96 sticker

Sadly not working... but trying to.

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Last updated 03/05/2018

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