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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2018

Entry 4th November 2018: Post 02: The Art of Lord of the Rings

The Art of Lord of the Rings

There is no doubt in my mind that the film series of the books
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit did a lot to cement the
image of the stories in the minds of many. I am sure there are
equally those that may have conflicting views of what the worlds
locked in the stories looked like. I am sure many of us have
also differing views on the players and the way they portrayed
the characters.

However, setting that aside, I do find the artwork for the films
truly inspiring and imaginative. The films creator did try very
hard to be honest with the work and treat it with respect. I was
so inspired by the films that I did buy a number of books dedicated
to the work.

Here are but a few of the images taken from the books together
with the films to which they refer.

The Art of Lord of the Rings

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Last updated 4th November 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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