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ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2019

Entry 4th October 2019: Post 01: Amiga 600HD - Fell at the last hurdle.

Amiga 600HD - Fell at the last hurdle.

Last post in my epic quest to use a 40GB hard drive in an A600HD.
I've had so many problems with the 600HD and today was no exception.
Sadly the keyboard really played up. In the end I realised there
is an issue with the ribbon connector. The keys that are active
vary each time I clean it so it's not a specific key issue. I got
very close to getting them all working and I think I need to do
the old trick with the credit card and window cleaner that I used
on the Nintendo.

Anyhoo I pressed on and then installed the drive and all was fine
until I got round to setting up the drive for installing the WB.
I noted the Ebay seller had sent me a 60GB drive. Adds to the fun
and the challenge. I only use 4GB of the drive and leave the rest
empty. The main Workbench partition is normally around 450MB.

I was having issue with the floppy as you know and now I am getting
a general DF0 failure icon when there isn't a disk installed at
cold boot. I am using the external to install.

And so to the nub of my pain today. Sadly whilst I was able to
circumvent the 2.05 HD setup tools I could not work a way around
the actual ROM. What this means is the format tool is not from the
tools disk but obviously encoded into the ROM and 2.05 does not
give an option to Quick Format the partitions. The consequence is
that I was forced to use the prep tool on the 2.05 disk and it took
two hours to format the 450MB drive. Yes two hours. So if I had
carried on and formatted the 3 one GB drives it would have taken
all day.

I am not one to give up but I did. And the reason is pretty clear.
The computer needs a new floppy drive. I also need to sort out the
keyboard. Whilst I could have installed the OS no problem there
was also the risk of 'wrap around' data loss off the drive cus I
was not able to Quick Format the drive. I sense it would have
all been for nothing. And so I will return the 600HD to the Amiga
graveyard and salvage the drive for a 1200. [ See next post ].

I failed ... for now.

Amiga 600HD - Fell at the last hurdle.

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Last updated 4th October 2019

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