

ScuzzBlog: Diaries October 2023

Entry 11th October 2023: Post 1: ICPUG - Independent Commodore Products Users Group.

ICPUG - Independent Commodore Products Users Group.

Sometimes I just scratch my head and marvel at the incredible
work and effort undertaken by the Commodore community throughout
the years. It really is incredible just how much has been done
by a group of dedicated enthusiasts in support of Commodore.
What is difficult to comprehend, however, is just what happened
to all those that gave so much and then just vanished. 

Take for instance the Independent Commodore Products Users Group.
I have a number of their booklets that were issued bi-monthly.
These are written and produced by Amiga users and then bound into
a 100 page booklet and distributed to subscribers. That is just
the tip of the iceberg because from the pages are links to 
support groups and providers of library services. The booklet
is just crammed filled with the written word. Not your text based
blog snippet that seems to be the norm today.

So informative and so useful and so enthusiastic. These people
existed. Many still do. And yet they have all but vanished. It
really is so sad that the Amiga and Commodore could not have 
fulfilled the dream and become the world leader. We truly would
be in a much better place in terms of what computers can do. 
And the reason..... the community loved its computer. How truly
wonderful to find a band of folk in full support of their interest
instead of the negative nonsense we get streamed endlessly today.

Anyway here is a snapshot of the booklet from Jan/Feb 1990 together
with a page from a March/April edition describing the 1581 Toolkit
which I just happen to have. I do find the odd disk in the collection
for the ICPUG. And the group still exists.

Click the link to ICPUG website

ICPUG - Independent Commodore Products Users Group.

Front Cover Jan-Feb 1990

Index of features


The Midi Music Show

Regional Groups from 1990


HAM Radio on your C64

GVP Impact A2000-030/25

Library Lore

Learning Forth Backwards

We have moved

Readers Write

All those users

The 1581 Toolkit

The 1581 Toolkit Disk

Magazine Disks

Just a snapshot of the publications work
in the early months of 1990. Wonderful

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then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 11th October 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023