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ScuzzBlog: Diaries September 2019

Entry 3rd September 2019: Post 02: C64 - GO MICRO.


As a collector if you ever get the chance to acquire one of the
educational packages for the early computers like the C64 then I
wouldn't hesitate in snapping them up. Not only are they very
informative, but cus they are from the era when images for the
books were hand crafted, they are simply magical to read. These
are truly works of art and I never get bored of reading through
them. It really is a dying art, the hand crafting of imagery.
The pictures really bring to publications to life.

Go Micro came with a great tape with loads of examples to play

And so I will let the pictures do the talking as they say and let 
you joy in the magical imagery of Go Micro.

OK I am sll done with the Datassettes. Onward.


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Last updated 3rd September 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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