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scuzzBlog: Diaries September 2019

Entry 15th September 2019: Post 01: 17 Bit Software Est 1988.

17 Bit Software Est 1988.

What ever happened to all the Amiga PD disks? I say this with a
very heavy heart, cus if I had just thought about it for one moment
in my years of acquiring Amiga 'stuff' I would have made more effort
to accumulate PD disks. Instead I am left sad and miserable at the
lack of disks currently available. What is worse, is the thought
that thousands of disks were simply trashed when the PD houses
closed. You only have to look at the volume of titles on the pages
of Amiga magazines to realise how many disks these guys carried.

Today the markets are filled with but a sprinkling of the disks
and all are for way way more money than the policy of the day in
terms of sale ever was. There are fortunately quite a few of the
CDs still in existence, which whilst not the full catalogues they
carry a healthy number of the titles.

One of the big names of the day was 17 Bit and it is still possible
to obtain their CD titles. Sadly the individual disks are very few
and cost a fortune. Definitely one of those times when I again
wish I could invent a time machine and travel back and invest in
as many titles as I could afford.

Some years back I did recreate a 17 Bit advert of the day and linked
the titles to actual disks. I have since then removed all disk
downloads from the site, but did manage to find each and every disk.
Whilst I do have a healthy batch of PD disks I am conscious that
it probably accounts to less than 1% of all titles produced. In
truth probably less than 0.01%. So I applaud anyone that has collected
sets of PD disks. It would be useful to know just how many are still
in existence. It is not enough to have the copies on CD or other
digital format, but to have the actual labelled floppy disk with
the library number and reference.

Most of what I have has been the consequence of an Amiga user buying
disks that he or she needed, and not out of a general interest in
PD titles. For that reason so, so many disks types are noticeable
by their absence. And that is just so sad.

And so t one of my ar hum moments as I grab for my cuppa tea.
Here are some images to warm the PD heart. Let's hope there are
those  out there with healthy stocks. Gotta hope that all that hard
work  wasn't for naught. So raise your tea cups to the Amiga PD houses.

Good on ya !

17 Bit Software Est 1988.

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Last updated 15th September 2019

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