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scuzzBlog: Diaries September 2019

Entry 29th September 2019: Post 01: GEM Desktop by Digital Research.

GEM Desktop by Digital Research.

Following on from my recent posts regarding GUI interfaces of the
eighties I feature today GEM created by Digital Research.

Digital Research was created by Gary Kildall who was famous for his
CP/M operating system. Some would argue that Kildall should have
been bigger than Gates. There is no doubt that Digital Research
was the biggest computer software developer in the world at one
stage. There packaging boasting that they make computers work.

As for GEM this dates from February 1985 and was designed for the
Intel 8088 and Motorola 68000. The name stands for Graphics
Environment Manager for use with DOS operating systems. GEM was
also the primary interface for the Atari ST series of computers.

My experience of the OS was with the Amstrad PC systems. For my
part my first use of a GUI was probably with Intergraph and then
Amstrad. I went a good eight years before ever using Windows 3.1
and before that even, I had been using Apple Macs. So I guess I
was more familiar with other systems than Windows during the whole
of the eighties, never once using a Windows based machine until
1994 and beyond.

GEM for me was and still is a very simple OS. I use it on the Amstrad
and Atari Falcon plus the ST range of machines. I tend to find it a
little basic and lacking any sparkle. Does the job and is quite
simple to use.

First up GEM 1st Word Plus.

GEM Desktop by Digital Research.

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Last updated 29th September 2019

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