First C O N T A C T
So Clara keeps the faith on the Amiga and has become the symbol
of what I do as 'scuzz'. She is an Amiga fantasy, forever young
and always the avatar of that thing which makes me happy.
If I have learned but one thing in my life it is that what ever you do...
Always do that which makes you happy.
Everyone should have an Amiga ~ o ~ Clara Veiga
He||o The 4th Doctrine - Inspired by Clara Veiga
Aspiredelos Quionosta
My books are dedicated to Clara Veiga
PS You should know that all that I do including my stories
I am scuzz or scink.. just your average nobody. Chasing ghosts.
So who is this scuzz guy
That would be me. Also known as scink and even valda sporg. So why
the anonymity. I come from a world on the internet where not giving
out your name could be most necessary. In the days of Newsgroups
and 'scanmastery' it was more a case of dodging and weaving than actual
publicising your worth. And when the various groups populated the web
most used a tag and never their real name. For me it was always the
first thing that popped in my head. None lasted more than a season.
I have books filled with odd names and passwords from endless ISPs.
The last great era was the period in Just Amiga which was to evolve
into my own group. At that point I was scuzz and the name stuck. The
name relates to a character in South Park called Scuzzlebutt and not
the rock programme. Though I visited the Sky channel regularly.
scink means the scans of scuzz or the ink of scuzz. And scanmastery
is something I did for a good while and yet never published anything.
If you can imagine the works of 'Banksy' then scanmastery is the use
of copyrighted images to create works of art. But those works of art
could only ever be unique and so images from magazines were launched
via IRC very very quickly.
So there you have it. And who am I really. Seriously, who cares. We
are all but fragments of time trapped in something we call life but
for a blink of an eye. For me it really doesn't matter. I am scuzz.
By the way... social media has a great way of generating false worth,
making folk feel popular, when all they do is filter their ramblings in
search of advertising fodder as they float within the pixel dust.
In truth real worth is something you can hold in your hand or reach
out to and touch. And not something that vanishes the minute you
switch off the power supply.
So next time you are glued to that phone just reflect on what you
really did today that you can claim to be uniquely yours and not
at the discretion of some other party as to whether you can have it.
Tangible stuff like a simple pebble that you can hold in your hand.
Point of trivia. I once gave a Chinese girl a very small pebble to take
home with her on the understanding she would throw this into a
Chinese lake. This she did and wrote me the day that the stone was
cast. And so it was that I was instrumental in the creating of a ripple
in a lake some 4875 miles away. [ made me happy ]
In search of the Island of Pjeschiosch A new book by scink
..any colour you like
And so I discovered the hidden realms of my inner self.
It was a good place to venture. My very own private
world where none could invade. Well almost none.
The meaning of cvink ... Commodore Vault Ink [ words in black and white ]
Hi. I did intend CVink would grow into an indexed archive of the
full collection so I could find stuff. Sadly like so many things
it kinda got abandoned as I really never had the time. The bigger
issue has always been the constant accessing of tubs filled with
items for fear of literally damaging things. In the end I have
used the photographs and the diaries to catalogue most items and
it is my intention to collate a better index.
So what of CVink ? Well I was going to let the page die, but it
appears a number of readers of the blog use it as an entry page
to access the rest of the site. So I have cut the page down to
give access to the other pages.
I will use the page to access my book corner where I discuss the
latest chapters of my novels and my adventures with the very lovely
Clara. Over the years Clara has become a bit of an Amiga icon for
me, given that I tend to use her face for disks, icons and drawers.
I am always creating new directories and the like and it has just
become much easier to carry my Clara toolbox around and use that
to instantly create drawers and tools. [ drawer is an Amiga term ]
Having a face for the site is kinda useful also given that I never
disclose my true identity. It is useful having a pretty face to head
up the operations. In my eyes Clara is the true face of the
collection and and I wouldn't mind getting her permission to use
it more widely for disks and artwork..
And I will retain the links to the book section using the very
beautiful Clara Veiga and also link the page I created for Clara
spotting on the site.
One other comment, and something I have discussed before and that
is the concept of doing things that make you happy. I have often
placed items around my person that have become permanent. It was
never my intention to do so but in time, the colours, the image,
the shape of something tends to bring joy to me. It's a Feng shui
concept. It extends to the garden and the placing of furniture
in the house. The way it works is that you allow items to naturally
find a resting place and see if when you happen upon them they
make you happy.
I am a fashion addict and have designed clothing in my days. I was
even trained in the making of clothing. I was offered places at
Schools of Fashion, but I would have needed to give up my career
as an architect. I am a fully trained architect and have had
buildings designed by me opened by royalty on two occasions. So
it's not a light hearted thing.
But I always regret not becoming a fashion designer. Whilst I was
convalescing after hospital operations in the early 2000's I happened
across Fashion TV whilst I was idling my days away . I was very
taken by this dark haired Brazilian model that had just the most
exquisite poise and stature. I very often recorded the daily shift
of programme, mostly cus they played none stop dance music all day
and I could replay at my leisure. However the beauty of Clara Veiga
must have had a lasting memory.
In 2011 I had this idea for a new book and in the story my lead
character is taken prisoner by two men and a woman. They are out
in the wilds in some far away world and hunting down the most fierce
of creatures. The hero is caught up in a chase trying to escape the
beast and falls into the same trap as the creature. He is bound and
transported to the village. It is here that I first happen across
the avatar of Clara Veiga. Why she became the character of the female
in the story I know not. Her face just popped into my head and she
suited the part perfect. Strong, arrogant but a real beauty.
She was never intended to become the main partner to my character
and in the story she dies in the first chapter. However she is
reincarnate as an almighty immortal goddess that befriends my hero
and partners him on all his future endeavours.
So as the days and months were filled with pages featuring Clara it
became only natural as I created subject, drawers and files on the
Amiga to borrow her name and appearance. And like those magical items
I have lying in various places around the house she became a
warming friendly face that always made me happy. And still does.
Each time her appearance is used to demonstrate something On the
Amiga I can hear her welcoming voice ' Hello ' . Simple as that. And
then I continue my Amiga fun with her avatar representing the Amiga
in my Amiga. And if you understand the philosophy behind the naming
of Amiga hardware with female names then Clara is but an extension
of that. Just open you Amiga and read the names of Paula, Denise,
Agnus, Gayle etc. Even at the beginning there was Lorraine.
He||o ... Just who is Clara Veiga: She is the face behind my books
Just one of my many books.
The goddess of inspiration
drawings, music and this website is for my own entertainment.
There are no adverts on this site. I sell nothing and ask for nothing.
And so a series of stories about nothing is pretty apt don't you think
See how many times you can spot Clara on my Amigas
Those early images had a lasting effect
Click for latest book entries
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then click the image above for the full site
Keep the Faith
In search of the Island of Pjeschioscho
I have been fishing in a pond that has no fish
scuzzscink 2019