

ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2020

Entry 20th April 2020: Post 01: Amiga - External floppy drive.

Amiga - External floppy drive.

Just a short blog today on the merits of the external floppy
drive for the Amiga.

Firstly the external floppy drive generally requires a small interface
connected between the Amiga and a floppy drive to make it work. The
internal floppy drive does not require the interface so be wary of
swapping one out for the other. DF1: external and DF0: internal.

The external floppy drive will generally have the interface located
at the rear of the unit and will be connected via a small ribbon.

Most external floppy drives have a daisy chain connector so you can
connect another floppy or device from the port.

The first floppy device on the chain will be DF1: [ PC1:CrossDOS ]
with the next inline being DF2: [ PC2: and so on ].

The floppy port can also be used to power VidiAmiga devices and
other drives that require power. Like the Arcos.

Power Computing produced an XL Drive that works as a HD disk drive
using PC disk sizes of the higher capacity. They are somewhat
difficult to distinguish and require a patch to the User-Startup
and the corresponding TOOL in the C drawer.

It is possible to modify the floppy interface to take a stock PC
drive though it will not work with the XL Drive. These units use
the Sony MPF920-3 PC drives.

OK here are some images of the internal workings of the external
floppy drive. They came with a variety of coloured LEDs mostly
green, yellow, orange and red. I find red ones on the older models.

I also show an Amiga 1011 connected to a 5.25" floppy drive and
registering as DF1: and DF2: in DOpus. Be aware that the A1011
does not have a pass through. Also in the image is a Power Computing
XL drive though it is not connected.

The last images simply show me creating a BootBlock on a disk using
the BootWriter software.

In the words of Dr Peter Venkman ' That would be bad '.

Amiga - External floppy drive.

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Last updated 20th April 2020

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