

ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2021

Entry 1st April 2021: Post 1: Amiga 2000 GVP 030 A2320 MegaCHIP 2MB.

Amiga 2000 GVP 030 A2320 MegaCHIP 2MB.

This Amiga 2000 is a little special, albeit a little temperamental.
She has inside a GVP 030 accelerator Combo Rev 3 plus an A2320
video inter-lacer. She has been upgraded to full ECS with 2.04 ROM
and the 2MB MegaCHIP onboard. I say temperamental cus each time I
leave her standing for a few months she refuses to boot. All I do
is twiddle the card and she fires up no problem.

So when I was greeted with the green screen today it was no biggy.
I decided to take some more close up images of the board and give
her a quick dust inside.

This computer was gifted to me a long long time ago. I was travelling
to Stoke to pick up an A3000T and on my way back, dropped into see a
fellow Commodore Amiga Retro group member, who not only gave me this
computer but a couple of other A2000 machines, one with a bridgeboard.
She is fully loaded and works a treat. I always think the hard drive
is about to give up but she boots after a long cycle. Just magic.

And the CD-ROM works. Cool !!

Big thanks to Dave, and a great way to kick off April.

Amiga 2000 GVP 030 A2320 MegaCHIP 2MB.

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Last updated 1st April 2021

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