

ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2022

Entry 19th April 2022: Post 1: Elvira - Box Art Horror.

Elvira - Box Art Horror.

Some time back I did a feature of me Photoshop repairing box art
for the Elvira classic 'The Arcade Game'. Seems the original had
been left in a rather damp place. And so I scanned in the original
and then set too recreating all the artwork in its repaired state.
In addition I repaired the artwork to the large poster.

Some while later I managed to acquire a less than damaged box of
the game and so featured that when it arrived.

Trouble was when I did the original feature I not only used a
very confusing new format for the scuzzblog page, but also added
a few other unrelated items. Over the years I have wanted to
feature the blog but have always found it problematic extracting
just the Elvira section. Additionally I noted a couple of minor
issues with the artwork that I have since corrected.

Anyhoo .. Today's blog is basically a better presentation of the
repaired water damaged box artwork plus poster. Together with the
better quality box that I later acquired. Hope that makes sense.
In addition I feature the black and white image of Elvira that I
believe was used extensively throughout her games period, which
formed the unforgettable opening logo for most Amiga games.

You can say what you like about Elvira but she is truly an icon.
So fortunate she chose to bless us Amigans with her presence.

Love her to death... Who errr !!

Elvira - Box Art Horror.

First up the water damaged box

Water damaged box small image

Water damaged box large image

Photoshop repaired box small image

Photoshop repaired box large image

Water damaged poster small image

Repaired poster small image

Repaired poster large image

Better quality second box

Iconic image of Elvira - Gaming Goddess

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Last updated 19th April 2022

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