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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 15th December 2017: Post: 2

MSX games with a touch of the Dragon

Don't think I will expand my very very small games library for the
MSX. Not a computer that I can see me gaming on. Not really sure
why, but the computer feels more like a typewriter to me than a
fun bit of kit. It is worth reflecting on the fact that I have 
like a couple of dozen pieces of gaming software for the MSX and
yet I have over 13000 disks for the Amiga. Says everything really.

I also include my incredibly small collection of Dragon tapes. I 
was going to give them their own page, but didn't seem worth it.

Enter the Dragon

Time for tea...

More tomorrow !!

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Last updated 15/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017