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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 21st December 2017: Post: 4

From little Acorn came the .. er well little Electron

I have never been a fan of this computer. I have a BBC Master and B
and they do me fine and are way more usable. This computer is so
lightweight for me and I really struggle to get any joy from it.
It really isn't the fact that I have any issues with the way it 
works, its just that .. er well. I just struggle with small machines.
And... the screen always prints the words tight to the top with
the first line out of vision. Odd that. Same on all the ones I 
have and I have .. counts on fingers...five.. yes five.

Acorn Electron from Acorn Computers made in July 1983
Uses Acorn Electron BASIC + 6502 assembler
QWERTY full stroke keyboard
CPU is a MOS 6502A running at 1MHz
RAM is 32KB and has 32KB ROM
Graphics is just the eight colours

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Last updated 21/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017