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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 9th December 2018: Post 04: CPC464 - Amsoft

CPC464 - Amsoft

Following my earlier post regarding the VIC20 books I had to give
a mention to these Amsoft binders. They really are wonderful. Simply
because they provided a hard box for the binders and included nifty
little plastic inserts for the tapes. There are any number of
similar folders I have for the Spectrum and C64 but sadly they all
tend to use a plastic box former which just buckles and breaks
when placing anything heavy on them. Worse they get broken in
the mail when sent here.

Having the ring binders and a simple way to close up and store
just is a dream for when referring to the software. I guess I
should have got more of these. It really does have all the hallmarks
of an Alan Sugar directive to make the boxed journals. He was very
keen on management of documents so it would make sense to him
doing it this way. So easy to store on a shelf and retrieve.

CPC464 - Amsoft

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Last updated 9th December 2018

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